11 thoughts on ““…In flew Enza…”: The 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic.

  1. Jason S. Ganz says:

    Another great, concisely written, entry from Mr. Cheong. The jump-rope jingle is especially haunting, yet it amazes me how children can turn something as horrid as the Spanish Flu into a jump rope jingle. What people nowadays seem to forget is that the more we medicate our society, the easier it becomes for super-mutations to rise up and be incredibly resistant to any medicine known to man. Unfortunately this is what I think will happen with H1N1 flu. We’re going to do such a great job inoculating society that there is bound to become an even stronger strain that arises. I find that as a result of Spanish Flu, we’ve become so hellbent on vaccines that we don’t let nature run its course to some extent, and messing with nature by trying to beat it is not always a smart idea. For every trick humans come up with, nature spins DNA into something nastier to keep us in check. (Hence, mutations that add to an organism’s value / power.)

    People tend to disregard necessary safety procedures until it happens to them, and by that time it’s often too late. That’s why everything in the western world has warnings / advisories. Either someone’s gotten killed by something thought to be harmless, or done some sort of grievous harm to someone else with it, or it’s been held as “it can’t happen to me” and ends up spreading to Diomede Island, Alaska. (Ie: ends up in the middle of nowhere). Another great article, and in this day and age, a great PSA to why humans should take necessary precautions against disease. However, too much protection causes mutated viruses that can be resistant to everything we can throw at it.

    Lesson: don’t screw too much with nature, you may get another pandemic.

  2. Sailor Kenshin says:

    Thank you for the fascinating lesson in history!

  3. David Greer says:

    I grew up in the 50’s. My grandparents and almost all the grandparents of the time spent the two years mentioned in this article dealing with this pandemic. And yet, I don’t believe any of them ever mentioned, in my hearing, this period nor was any mention ever made during my schooling. That humanity could forget this catastrophe in less than a generation is amazing.

    Mr. Ganz: As far as I know, no vaccine had any effect on the Spanish Flu. It just “ran its course”.

    • scheong says:

      Hi David.

      The 1918 Flu is sometimes called the “forgotten pandemic”. It was so overshadowed by WWI that not many people remember it today. There was NO cure for Spanish Influenza. Mankind had to put up with it until it ran its course. Some doctors in 1918 DID experiement with vaccines, but they proved ineffective.

  4. Brian Burns says:

    Corrent there was no cure thats what most of of forget, medicine has advanced so much in this day and age we take this for granted thankfully we seem safe these days

  5. Mr. Yolo says:

    The reason the influenza viruses vaccines failed were because they were making the vaccines from a bacteria and not a virus.

  6. Influenza was one of the worst viruses ever second only to the bubonic plague. The sad thing is no one even remembers it except only a few.

  7. Wrong Mr.Swagging Sheep, the Zombie Apocalypse was the worst pandemic ever while influenza was the third and the Bubonic Plague was the worst.

  8. Kittenlover says:

    That’s really sad look at how many people died I mean most of them were children adults between 20-40 and people with bad immune systems.

  9. Andrea says:

    I’d always heard that this was actually the single greatest cause for the end of the Great War. And one of the reasons it was so frightening was its predilection to kill the young and strong. It went after 20 something soldiers, yes?

  10. […] influenza pandemic during 1918-1920.  (Follow this link to a great write-up about this remarkable Spanish flu pandemic.)  At the other end of musical composition, a Canadian doctor wrote an entire symphony evincing […]


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