“Ah Watson! The Needle!” – Sherlock Holmes and Drugs

“Which is it today? Morphine or cocaine?”
“It is cocaine. A seven-per-cent solution. Would you care to try it?”

– Dr. Watson speaking to Sherlock Holmes, ‘The Sign of Four’

Sherlock Holmes is famous for a lot of things. His deerstalker cap, his pipe, his address (“Two-twenty-one B…Baker Street”), his phenomenal deductive powers and of course…his drug-use. That’s what this posting is about.

The Holmesian Canon (the collection of short stories and the novels), was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was knighted in 1902 for services rendered during the Second Boer War (1899-1902). But before the Boer War, Doyle enjoyed the use of another title.

Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle.

That’s right. He was a physician.

He wrote the Holmes stories in the considerable amounts of spare time that he had between appointments and consultations, to make the extra money that his medical practice failed to provide.

It’s probably not surprising then, that medicine and drugs play a big role in the Canon, since after all, the stories were written by a doctor.

Sherlock Holmes and Drugs

The Holmesian canon gives us a window into the world of Victorian England, at the end of the 19th century. We see clothing, transport, social attitudes, science and technology. And we also get a glimpse into Victorian medicine. How many of the characters are doctors or surgeons? Dr. Mortimer, Dr. Watson, Dr. Trevelyan, Dr. Carthew…the list goes on.

But Holmes’s closest association with medicine (apart from Dr. Watson), is his use of drugs.

I will say this once. So pay close attention.

Sherlock Holmes was not a drug-addict.

He says so himself. Holmes’s brain is overactive. It is constantly whirring around looking for things to occupy itself with. When he’s working on a case, his brain is occupied with problems, facts, deductions, inferences and pieces of evidence.

When Holmes doesn’t have a case, his brain has nothing to work on. Nothing to stimulate it. He gets bored and cranky. Hence the drugs. They serve to keep his brain occupied and stimulated when he doesn’t have a case. He hops off them the moment that he does have one. At best, you might say that Holmes was a recreational drug-user. But certainly not an addict. If he was, he’d be huffing on opium and shooting up heroin all day long, even if he was on a case…which he has never done.

“…My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation…”

– Sherlock Holmes, ‘The Sign of Four’

Now, I will sit back while I’m broadsided by a group of angry people screaming at their computer-screens, saying how Holmes is a drug addict because he shot himself up with cocaine and morphine, how he did tobacco, how he huffed opium and did heroin and every other kind of illicit drug imaginable. Of course he was a druggie. Those are all illegal drugs!

…No they’re not.

Drugs in Victorian England

You have to understand that we read the Holmesian stories through modern eyes. Through the eyes of people living in the 21st Century. When these stories were written, some well over a hundred years ago, things were very different.

The most important difference, for the purposes of this posting, is that in Victorian times, opium, morphine, cocaine, laudanum and heroin were all completely legal.

Yes they were. Believe it, or not.

You could go into your Boots chemist in London on Fleet Street and buy a bottle of opium or morphine just as easily in 1885, as buying a bottle of aspirin pills is today. Nothing was thought of it and nothing was said. It was as easy as that. And 100% legal. Owning, using, purchasing and selling these drugs was as common as cough-drops. There was almost no regulation or laws surrounding these substances…mostly because at the time, their side-effects were less well-understood than they are today.

Opiates, especially (opiates are the drugs derived from the opium poppy), were used extensively in Victorian times, either as sedatives, sleeping drafts or painkillers. Sleeping-tablets contained opium or morphine. Sedatives (drugs to help you relax) most likely also contained opium or one of its related drugs.

The most common painkiller of the time was a powerful drug sold in bottles and which was used to treat everything from toothaches, headaches, joint-pains and back-ache. Called ‘Tincture of Laudanum’, this highly potent cocktail of alcohol and opium was powerful and effective…but also extremely addictive. And it was sold as freely in Victorian times as any other non-prescription pain-relief medication is sold today.

The Status of Drugs

In Victorian times, when the Holmesian canon was written, there was almost no regulation about drugs and poisons. The closest thing you had was the pharmacist’s ‘Poison Book’.

By law, pharmacists had to keep a record-book of poisons. Anyone wanting to purchase poison would have to fill out a line in the book. Their name, address, reason for purchasing poison and so-on…and sign their entry in the book. That was pretty much it.

But the drugs which, in the 21st century are illegal, had no regulation in Victorian times. Their side-effects were not understood and they were so widely used by everyone from doctors and surgeons to parents treating their sick children, that nobody thought anything of it.

It would not be until 1920, with the passing of the Dangerous Drugs Act, that drugs like cocaine and heroin would finally be outlawed in England.

Holmes’s Use of Drugs

At best, Holmes was a recreational drug-user. He shot himself up with morphine and cocaine to alleviate the agonising spells of boredom he had between the cases which were his real addiction. Opium is occasionally mentioned in the canon (most notably in ‘The Man with the Twisted Lip‘), and its famous side-effect of drowsiness (which is what made it so popular as a painkiller and sleeping-agent) was recorded therein, but no mention is made of Holmes ever actually taking the drug.

Whatever you might think of Holmes and the use of the drugs mentioned in the canon, you need to understand the historical context of the stories and the manner in which drugs were viewed at the time, and how they were used by Holmes, both very different from how they’re handled and used today.


14 thoughts on ““Ah Watson! The Needle!” – Sherlock Holmes and Drugs

  1. mii chan says:

    really detailed, that cleared up alot, thank you!

    • scheong says:

      Hi Mii, you’re welcome! This posting was a lot of fun to write, and I’m glad you enjoyed it and learnt something from its contents!

  2. Kate says:

    Wow! well done! very thorough and to the point. thank you so much for clearing this up. you rock!

    • scheong says:

      Haha! Why thank you, Kate. I’m glad you liked the posting. It always irked me that people misinterpret drug-use in the Holmesian Canon, and that inspired me to write this.

  3. kerri bevis says:

    Thanks so much for this article. It helped me to understand Sherlock Holmes’ supposed drug addiction.

  4. Beatrice Bronn says:

    I completely agree with you. I think you’re absolutely right. So, now that that’s been cleared up, I will say (for the sake of literary debate) that… well, Holmes WAS an addict, though.

    The drugs may have been legal during the period and very commonly used and they had a very specific purpose in the stories and Holmes development as a character but, he still had a dependency on them. In fact, that very idea is touched upon often in Doyle’s pieces.

    Understanding and accepting the character’s narcotic uses doesn’t negate the fact that, as I said, ultimately, he still had a drug dependency — which is just a fancy word for addiction.

    Just adding my two cents.

    • scheong says:

      I refuse to believe that Holmes was an “addict” in the conventional sense. This isn’t an attempt to sanitise him or anything, but the way I see it, if he was an addict, he would’ve used it even when he had cases. He didn’t. At best, I’d say he was a recreational user.

      • Liam says:

        The fact that you refuse to believe something, regardless of the evidence, says a lot about you. What of when Watson weaned Holmes off cocaine? This would be unnecessary, were he not an addict.

      • Joyce Mikone says:

        I agree that the intention of the drug was related more to what we know as ADHD .. the drugs referred to in the books might have been to alíviate the destress of boredom much like marijuana is used these days. Either way, stories that have affected people for decades. Hope the next generation knows of the house of Usher 💕

  5. So he is only an addict if the drugs were illegal? I personally know a cocaine addict who says he isn’t an addict because if he were he would use it every day all day long .. and he just uses on the weekends…. an eight ball a day!!! and only a line or two before work just to get him going…he can afford it… he has a great paying job and manages to pay his bills… and his use is strictly at home so he doesn’t get into trouble with the police.. so is he an addict and if so then what is the difference… He is self medicating without a doctor… legal or not..

  6. Milana says:

    Heroin and cocaine are opposite drugs. So did he need a cocaine to keep him sharp, or did he use heroin to get him down? Was he only experimenting and how much? Do you know any heroin addict? You can play with cocaine, and if you’re smart you won’t become an addict, but you CANNOT play with heroin, no matter how genius you are, and don’t become an addict. Sherlock is a character who is not described as an addict, but his creator was a doctor, so how did Sherlock take so much opium and never became an addict? And if he liked cocaine, why did he take heroin if it is drug for completly different kind of people than cocaine users?

  7. M Galloway says:

    I agree with Donna Loggins. Just because these drugs were legal at the time, doesn’t mean Holmes was not an addict. Alcohol is completely legal in many countries, and we have many alcohol addicts! Just because I can pop down to my local grocery store to buy a bottle of spirits (or wine or whatever) any time I please, doesn’t make the effects of said alcohol any less potentially damaging…And like Holmes, when my mind is occupied with work, generally speaking, I don’t ‘need’ a drink. But as soon as I am the slightest bit bored…I hit the bottle! But I’m not an alcoholic;-)

  8. Dennis R Lecker says:

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, like most smart Europeans, recognized that cocaine, caffeine, and tobacco made the Enlightenment possible, not unlike psilocybe cubensis and ayahuasca brought many religion.

    See 1842 and then measure the human progress after good stimulants made their way to the most competitive condensation of humans on the planet.

    Holmes was no addict. Doyle’s writings demonstrate that he used what he used very effectively.

    Don’t compare the effective scientist/engineer’s use of Adderall/cocaine to that of the inner-city-savage-American’s tendency to party, have sex, make rap music, and shoot the competion while high.

    Not the same animals.


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