8 thoughts on “They Don’t Make ’em Like They Used To…Thank God!

  1. EFF says:

    Very enjoyable article! Antimony pills sure sound like fun.

  2. EFF says:

    Very enjoyable article! Antimony pills sure sound like fun.

  3. Excellent and well documented. My story…”Holmes on Holmes” also reveals arsenic as a chemical used in making the color “Paris green” which was quite toxic.

    What we didn’t know would kill us.

  4. Excellent and well documented. My story…”Holmes on Holmes” also reveals arsenic as a chemical used in making the color “Paris green” which was quite toxic.

    What we didn’t know would kill us.

  5. siki mcivor says:

    just a note on hatmaking/mercury etc. as a felter (who uses a lot of the old techniques but not the mercury I just want to clarify something. When you said
    “This process was carried out by rubbing the pelts with a chemical solution, then putting the pelts into an oven to dry, then stretching the pelts and then shaving off the excess fur to expose the soft felt underneath”
    everything but the last 6 words are correct but there was no ‘felt’ to be exposed at that point. The fibre was just being prepped. The felt comes to be by the manipulation of the felter.

    By the way, I thought you might like to know that previous to using mercury they were apparently using urine (their own in Paris) and it seems that the reason they discovered that mercury worked better was that a certain Hatter had more success with felting than the others. He was being treated for venereal disease with mercury and so his urine was full of mercury.

  6. siki mcivor says:

    just a note on hatmaking/mercury etc. as a felter (who uses a lot of the old techniques but not the mercury I just want to clarify something. When you said
    “This process was carried out by rubbing the pelts with a chemical solution, then putting the pelts into an oven to dry, then stretching the pelts and then shaving off the excess fur to expose the soft felt underneath”
    everything but the last 6 words are correct but there was no ‘felt’ to be exposed at that point. The fibre was just being prepped. The felt comes to be by the manipulation of the felter.

    By the way, I thought you might like to know that previous to using mercury they were apparently using urine (their own in Paris) and it seems that the reason they discovered that mercury worked better was that a certain Hatter had more success with felting than the others. He was being treated for venereal disease with mercury and so his urine was full of mercury.


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